Olli Toivanen's academic homepage


My published papers are:

  1. P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö, V. Latvala and O. Toivanen, The strong minimum principle for quasisuperminimizers of non-standard growth, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, 28 (2011), 731–742.
    (mathscinet, journal)
  2. V. Latvala, T. Lukkari and O. Toivanen, The fundamental convergence theorem for \(p(\cdot)\)-superharmonic functions, Potential Anal., 35 (2011), no. 4, 329–351.
    (mathscinet, journal)
  3. O. Toivanen, Harnack's inequality for general solutions with nonstandard growth, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 37 (2012), 571–577.
    (mathscinet, journal)
  4. O. Toivanen, Local boundedness of general minimizers with nonstandard growth, Nonlinear Anal., 81 (2013), 62–69.
    (mathscinet, journal)
  5. P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö, V. Latvala and O. Toivanen, Critical variable exponent functionals in image restoration, Appl. Math. Lett., 26 (1) (2013), 56–60.
    (mathscinet, journal)
  6. P. Harjulehto, V. Latvala and O. Toivanen, A variant of the Geman-McClure-model for image restoration, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 399 (2) (2013), 676–681.
    (mathscinet, journal)
  7. T. Adamowicz, O. Toivanen, Hölder continuity of quasiminimizers with nonstandard growth, Nonlinear Anal., 125 (2015), 433–456.
    (mathscinet, journal)
  8. V. Latvala and O. Toivanen, Weak Harnack estimates for quasiminimizers with non-standard growth and general structure, Potential Anal., electronic first publication, journal issue pending, doi:10.1007/s11118-016-9606-6.
    (mathscinet, journal)
  9. P. Harjulehto, P. Hästö and O. Toivanen, Hölder regularity of quasiminimizers under generalized growth conditions, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 56 (2) (2017), 1–26.
    (mathscinet, journal)

The papers are also available online at the home page of the Research group on variable exponent spaces, generalized Orlicz spaces and related PDEs.

My MathSciNet author ID is 953167